The increase in the concentration of CO2 is a measured, real and scientifically accepted data and is producing negative effects in our environment, and not only globally but also in our closest environment. For this reason, controlling and reducing CO2 emissions should be a priority for all. Our consumption habits have a significant influence on CO2 emissions. One of the human activities with more emission of CO2 is the generation of electricity.
A question that we all ask is what will be the demand and supply of electric power in the future in Scotland. Just by asking this question, we come to mind many uncertainties. But one thing we have clear. We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the energy sector and thus reduce the level of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere
Using EnergyPLAN we have sought to estimate future electricity demand and have created a range of low carbon electrical mix cases to see if Scotland can be 100% renewable by the year 2032